Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Running is a drug....

Today I had my heart set on just staying in bed. Yesterday I did a pretty tough cross-training workout and my calves and back were hurting. Besides, it was 37 when I get up. WTH? I'm over the cold!!! But I got my butt up anyway and just wanted to get it over. As I was running, it got easier and easier to keep going. Dan was going to work a little later, so I knew I had more time. I ended up running 5 miles instead of my normal 4! I was pumped! Garmin said I burned an extra 120 calories and I still ran at my consistent 8:21 MM! It really is a drug because now my body doesn't ache quite so much and my mood is lifted. I think now that it is getting lighter earlier I can get more miles in during the week. I may do a 4-6-4 during the week and get my longer runs done on Saturday morning. That may be the plan for now until I need to bump it up further along in my training.

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