Thursday, March 27, 2008

Let's talk nutrition...

What do you eat before/after a run? (for those of you who even know about this blog, not too many do) I am not one of those that can eat before a run, but I know when I start my longer runs I will need too. After a good run, I love eating Luna Bars, with my favorite flavor being Nutz over Chocolate. What do you eat during the day to stay fueled? I've been so HUNGRY since I've started increasing my milage. I also love Clif bars too, especially Peanut Chocolate Chip. I also drink a 12 oz G2 as soon as I come inside after a run. So tell me, what do you eat?

1 comment:

marathon mom said...

I always eat a Gensoy Chocolate Mint Bar before I run- if it is a short run I'll eat 1/2 and then finish it when I get back. If it is a long run I take the Jelly Beans or Cliff Shot Bloks. I also will dilute PowerAde or a similar drink and take that with me, but that is only for 16 miles plus. I tend to eat a lot of protein every day because I get very shaky and dizzy if I don't- regardless if I am running or not!!!