Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Holding myself accountable...

In an attempt to lose the last remaining 4lbs (to where I'd like to be) I need to hold myself accountable to what I am eating. All of this running has me so hungry, but I still need to watch what I eat. By writing it down, I'm less likely to eat poorly. This morning I did a strength training workout, did not run...so this is what I ate today.

Breakfast-Luna Bar-Iced Oatmeal Raisin, YUM! coffee with 1 TB sugar-free creamer, 16 oz water, calcium + vitamin D pill, multivitamin
Snack-handful of pita chips and hummus, 16 oz water
Lunch-PB and banana sandwich (on 1 slice whole wheat bread), 2 % greek yogurt with strawberries, 1 diet coke
Snack-1 circle babybel lowfat cheese, handful of pretzels, 16 oz water
Dinner-turkey burger on whole wheat bun, roasted red potatoes, green salad with low fat dressing, 16 oz water
Dessert-1 oz dark chocolate square

Happy eating!

1 comment:

Slacker Mama said...

I tell you, writing it down really does make you more accountable. I sometimes find myself trying to rationalize not putting something down and I realize that I really am just lying to myself.